This site is for people to learn and enjoy the classical guitar without any fear or intimidation. As the internet can be a wild place sometimes, I have laid out some simple guidelines for the site. In essence, treat people well and be respectful.

Commenting on the site:

Please adhere to the following simple points:

  • No personal attacks
  • No defamation
  • No abuse
  • You may post anonymously or under a psudonym but only under one name from one ip address

I reserve the right to remove any comments deemed as spam, offensive or not adhering the aforementioned guidelines.


To gain access to the forum you must have enrolled into one of the paid courses on the site. The same commenting rules apply in the forum as for the rest of the site and I reserve the right to remove any members from the forum if necessary.


Classical Guitar Corner does not use advertising on the site but sponsorship for the podcast and partner programs are available.